Skin Tag Removal Scotland

Treatment and removal of benign cosmetic blemishes
from the face and upper torso.

These are examples of cutaneous blemishes that can be precisely, safely and gently treated/removed in clinic. Appointments include full consultation under dermatoscope, recording of blemishes, treatment and/or removal and aftercare. If subsequent appointments will be required you will be advised during your appointment. Advanced, aesthetic electrolysis, using diathermy & electrocoagulation, has been used for many years to treat this vast array of blemishes. For certain blemishes and when deemed more appropriate, we use nitrous oxide cryotherapy.
Tina has been treating/removing these benign blemishes since 1997 and was also a national trainer for 18 years.  

Cosmetic Blemishes Consultation

Initial time to come into clinic to have any blemishes checked for identification and suitability for treatment.
This is ideal for those who are seeking advice. All other full appointments include your consultation before treatment
 – £35.00 

Mixed Blemishes

Mixed Blemishes

Our largest appointment for those with a mixture of blemishes. It is perfect for both men and women who have a multitude of face & upper body thread veins, multiple skin tags, seborrhoeics, plane warts and more.  This allows more time for assessment and to work our way through and treat everything possible within the time and is more cost effective.
Appointments include consultation, dermoscopy assessment, treatment/removal and aftercare.
Mixed Cosmetic Blemishes – £525.00

Skin Tag Removal

Skin Tags (Fibro Epithelial Polyps) are simply an overgrowth of skin cells. They are extremely common and are usually found on areas of the body that ‘rub’ such as necklines, underarms and under the breasts. They are also very common around the eyes. Skin tags have a loose area of excess skin attached with a stalk and can vary greatly in size from pinhead to broad bean.
Your appointment includes full consultation, treatment, skin tag removal and aftercare as appropriate.
It’s really helpful if you send a picture of your tags before booking. 

skin tag removal edinburgh

Single small skin tag

skin tag removal scotland

Single medium skin tag

skin tag removal edinburgh

Single large skin tag

Single extra large skin tag

skin tag removal scotland

Up to 4-5 skin tags

skin tag removal edinburgh

Up to 5-10 skin tags

skin tag removal scotland

10-20 skin tags

20-30 skin tags

Seborrhoeic Keratosis

These are super-common and the only type of wart that is non contagious. They are a symptom of getting older, long term sun exposure and can be hereditary. They are found on the temples, sides of face and upper body. They can vary in colour from pale yellow to a very dark brown and resemble a ‘bran flake’ that has been stuck to the skin.
Appointments include consultation, dermoscopy assessment, treatment/removal and aftercare.

Single (up to 20p size) Seborrhoeic Keratosis – £175.00

Seborrhoeic Keratosis

 Single (20p to 50p size) Seborrhoeic Keratosis – £225.00

Small cluster of Seborrhoeic Keratosis £345.00

Large cluster of Seborrhoeic Keratosis – £455.00

(please note, this client had 2 x sessions of large clusters to achieve this result)

Before and immediately after treatment 

Xanthelasma Palpebra

This is a very common condition. Xanthelasma are deposits of yellowish fatty material just under the surface of the  eyelids. They can look like ‘rice crispies’ just under the skin and although the exact cause is unknown they are sometimes associated with higher levels of cholesterol. They can be significantly reduced using diathermy.
Appointments include consultation, dermoscopy assessment, treatment and aftercare.

Xanthalasma over a single eye – £225.00
Xanthalasma over both eyes –  £345.00
Subsequent treatment – £86.00

Xanthelasma Palpebra

Before and fully healed



These are little flesh coloured ‘bumps’ usually found around the lower eyelids and upper cheeks. They can have a yellowish appearance and as they heal after treatment they flatten and visibly reduce in size. They can be significantly reduced using diathermy. Appointments include consultation, dermoscopy assessment, treatment/removal and aftercare.

Syringoma under a single eye – £225.00
Syringoma under both eyes – £345.00
Subsequent treatment – £86.00

Sebaceous Hyperplasia
Sebaceous Hyperplasia is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands in adults. It is possible to have dozens and they present as yellowish, small, soft papule on the face, particularly on the forehead, nose and cheeks. They are very common and can be recurring. Appointments include consultation, dermoscopy assessment, treatment/removal and aftercare.

Few sebaceous hyperplasia over a smaller area – £145.00

Several sebaceous hyperplasia over a larger area – £225.00

These are tiny hard keritinised ‘pearls’ which sit just under the surface of the skin.  They vary in size from a tiny grain of sand to garden pea. The exact cause is unknown but rich creams, too much Vitamin C and high cholesterol have all been apportioned blame. They may need more than one treatment to eradicate them. Some people are quite prone to them and visit every few months to keep them under control.
Appointments include consultation, dermoscopy assessment, treatment/removal and aftercare.

Treatment/removal of a single milia – £67.50

Treatment/removal of a few milia over a smaller area – £145.00

Treatment/removal of several milia over a larger area – £225.00

Filiform Wart Removal

Filiform warts look different than most warts. They have long, narrow projections that extend about 1 to 2 millimeters from the skin. They can be yellow, brown, pink, or skin-toned, and don’t generally form in clusters. Since they tend to form around the eyelids and lips, they’re also known as facial warts. Filiform warts are generally caused by the human papilloma virus, you can spread the warts to other people via skin contact, especially if the skin is broken. Appointments include consultation, dermoscopy assessment, treatment/removal and aftercare.

Single filiform wart – £145.00

Pore of Winer
A very large, dilated pore which is completely stretched full of keratinised sebum and debris and usually found on the face or upper body. Appointments include consultation, dermoscopy assessment, treatment/removal and aftercare.

Treatment – £145.00

Sebaceous Cysts
Please speak to us first before booking this appointment.
This blemish is a plug of sebum contained in a sebaceous sac under the skin that is blocked by an overgrowth of the surface epidermis.  They vary in size dramatically and areas they appear most commonly are the face, chest, scalp and back. Appointments include consultation, dermoscopy assessment, treatment/removal and aftercare.

Treatment – £145.00

Dermatosis Papulosa 
This is a common skin disorder which develops during adolescence on skin of colour. The papules are smooth, dome shaped, brown to black and seen mainly on the cheeks, neck and upper chest. Appointments include consultation, dermoscopy assessment, treatment/removal and aftercare. Due to the Fitzpatrick scale, these are treated gently and slowly and it is common to need 2-3 appointments for full removal. 

Treatment/Removal – £145.00

Common Warts
Common warts are small, contagious growths caused by a strain of the human papilloma virus.  Very commonly found on the hands and fingers. Warts often need 2/3 treatments to eradicate them completely. (Please note, we do not treat genital warts) Appointments include consultation, dermoscopy assessment, treatment/removal and aftercare.

Treatment for common warts (hands) – £145.00
Subsequent treatments (hands) – £86.00

Mole Reduction
This is a very specialised treatment to reduce the size and appearance of visible moles. Your appointment includes very full assessment of the area, pre-treatment photography and aftercare.
Please see our dedicated page for more information – Mole Information Page

Why should I come to you?

Our clinicians are proud to have over 25 years worth of clinical experience within this field and carry the required training, dermatology, anatomy knowledge, MASCED accreditation and licensing which are all constantly updated. We offer appointments for anyone wishing to have blemishes of concern checked over and refer more back to the NHS than we treat. The majority of our clients come to us after being referred and assessed by either the NHS or Private Sector which includes GP’s, practice nurses, dermatologists and consultant plastic surgeons. As many NHS boards no longer treat the blemishes, these professionals are glad to have somewhere they can confidently recommend.

Why have I got these blemishes?

Over the years we have dealt with hundreds of clients including ultra-healthy, non-smoking, teetotal with absolutely no health complaints and yet it’s still a very rare person who doesn’t have at least one of these blemishes. What we would say is that we don’t expect you to live in a bubble, but there is a list of reasons that we do know helps them along:

Ageing, Alcohol, Air Conditioning, Allergies, Birth Marks, Central Heating, Childbirth, Circulatory Disorders, Constipation, Diabetes, Diet, Exfoliation, Fragile Skin, Health Problems, Hereditary, Hormones, High/Low Blood Pressure, Medication, No Reason at All, Physical Trauma, Pregnancy, Respiratory Conditions, Rosacea, Scar Tissue, Sensitivity, Spectacle Wearing, Smoking, Sports, Squeezing Skin, Temperature Extremes,
UV Light, X Rays.

Will I need repeat appointments?

Very possibly.  If for instance you have dozens of sebaceous keratosi over the torso it is simply not possible (or client/skin friendly) to remove them all in one sitting.  In this case we simply rebook another appointment for you.  You may be advised during your appointment that your blemish(es) will need a second treatment. Any associated costs will be discussed at this point.

Will I need GP permission?

Possibly. If you have a blemish which we are suspicious of then we will recommend you speak to your GP before treatment is started.

I am on medication. Can I have treatment?

This will be covered when you complete your medical questionnaire on your first appointment. Some medications are ‘contra-indicated’ to this treatment but this is rare. Insulin dependent diabetic clients will need a letter of approval from either their diabetic nurse or GP before treatment can start.

I am pregnant. Can I have treatment?

Congratulations! We don’t recommend any treatment for the first 3 months of your pregnancy. After that, fibrous blemishes can be removed (neck upwards only) but we tend not to treat anything vascular.  As the blood volume within the body increases so much during pregnancy broken capillaries (red/thread veins) are incredibly common. But, these usually subside back to normal shortly after the birth.

Will I be left with a scar?

During your consultation we will explain all aftercare which we do require you to follow. We will also explain what happens to your various blemishes during their own individual healing process.  As nothing is cut/excised/stitched there will be no actual scar left once fully healed.

Can I wear makeup afterwards?

Please don’t for the first 24-48hrs. After that , yes but only pure mineral makeup. You will probably find the healing blemish looks better with no makeup covering it.

What is the aftercare?

This is a very important part of your treatment.
Please do not touch the treated area! During the first 24 hours and only if necessary, the area may be gently cleansed. Pat the area dry with paper tissues, do not rub with a towel. Apply any recommended aftercare products as advised. As the area starts to heal, crusting will appear thereby sealing the skin & preventing infection.  These crusts must not be picked off, the skin must be kept clean and dry until they fall off in their own time. After showering please gently pat the area dry.

If you have had a fibrous blemish treated or removed, a gauze covering may have been applied. This is to protect the area from clothing and may be removed when you have returned to the comfort of your home.

Please avoid these at all costs until the healing process is complete – sunbeds, saunas, jacuzzis, steam treatments, hot baths, hot showers, facial treatments, makeup, perfumed skin care, glycolic products, fake tan. Avoid restricted clothing over treated body areas.
Please follow your electrologists recommendations for your treatment plan and aftercare.

Over visible areas that have started to heal sunblock should be worn.We stock AlumierMD SPF’s which are physical broad spectrum blocks (no chemicals) If makeup must be worn, we recommend mineral makeup.

Do you treat both men and women?

Of course. We treat all Genders.

I’m going into the sun soon afterwards. Can I still have treatment?

Removal of any fibrous blemishes?  Yes, once healed and as long as you use Broad Spectrum Sunscreen over the treated area. For vascular blemishes it’s best to wait until you’ve been back for 2 weeks.

I want skin tags over my upper body removed. What should I wear?

A freshly laundered cotton T-shirt will be perfect.  Please be aware we may need to lower bra straps to get to some of them.