Commonly found on the face, decolletage and hands as we get older.
These patches are generally caused by exposure to UV light, causing an increase in melanin production by the melanocyte cells.
Cryotherapy using Nitrous Oxide is used to freeze these patches to destroy and gradually lift them away.
Deeper pigmentation may require a second treatment 4-6 weeks later. Suitable for Fitzpatrick skin types 1 – 3
Single patch up to the size of a
pencil top rubber – £65.00
Single patch up to the size of a 20p coin – £99.00
Single patch up to the size of a 50p piece – £145.00
Light to moderate pigmentation/age spots
Single hand – £145.00
Both hands – £259.00
Moderate to severe pigmentation/age spots
Single hand – £185.00
Both hands – £295.00
Why do I have pigmentation?
A number of reasons. Sun damage, over exposure to UV, general ageing, medications and pregnancy can all contribute. Pigmentation so common, it is the easiest thing to happen to skin and is the trickiest to remove. We achieve remarkable results with UV induced pigmentation and prefer not to treat the hormonal induced.
Does this treatment hurt?
Not really, at worst it feels like a nettle sting. If you get this sensation, it will last for around 30 mins then will stop.
What happens immediately after treatment?
The treated area can darken, pigmentation goes a darker brown. It’s common to get localised swelling similar to a bee sting which will subside over the next hour.
What happens over the next few days?
Because cryo treats from the base of the blemish upwards there’s never a lot to see on the surface. Depending on the type of blemish, sometimes absolutely nothing. It can be a bit disappointing! The most you’ll see is flaking and sloughing of the area.
When will it be fully healed?
Within a couple of weeks. Correct use of an SPF is vital for healing/normalising of the area
How do I care for the area?
SPF! All day, every day. There is no chance of infection from the treatment as cryo doesn’t break the skin.
Can anything go wrong?
Very thin skin can bubble, similar to a painless blister. If this happens, DO NOT POP it. It will disappear over the next day or so. If if pops by mistake, apply a drop of germolene/savlon and all will be well.
Are there contraindications to cryotherapy treatment?
The main ones are pregnancy, breastfeeding and some autoimmune conditions. When you book your appointment you will be sent a medical questionnaire. If anything shows up on that we will contact you to discuss.
- Precision device accurate to millimetres
- Fast treatment with little to no downtime
- Effective freeze temperature
- Little to no discomfort
- Repeat visits usually not required
- Rapid process, treatment usually takes a few minutes
- Rapid process, treatment usually takes a few minutes
- Sterile treatment
- Safe – little to no collateral skin damage
- Excellent results – well established in the medical field, used for well over 200 years and accepted as the gold standard treatment to treat and remove most skin lesions.
I’ve had this done at the GP before,
it was very painful!
We hear this a lot.
The old fashioned methods of using Cryotherapy were very hit and miss, and could be very destructive to skin tissue.
Liquid Nitrogen – traditionally used in GP surgeries was very destructive as it hits the skin at -195° This caused instant tissue destruction rather than necrosis. It was effective, but very painful and generally caused a wound with the risks of infection and dressing requirements. It almost always left scar tissue due to the damage caused to the dermis. It is still used in hospitals to remove tumour tissue.
We do not use this in clinic.
I’ve tried over the counter methods,
they didn’t work?
We also hear this a lot.
CO2 – also called Dry Ice is available to buy from pharmacies and supermarkets as a wart or verruca treatment.
It only reaches -20° on the skin, so isn’t capable of causing necrosis so will often need many treatments over several months with disappointing results reported.
We do not use this in clinic
In Layman’s Terms –
- To destroy unwanted skin cells (blemishes) you need -27°
- Liquid Nitrogen (most GP surgeries) hits the skin at-195° so very painful and causes open wounds.
- C02/Dry Ice. Found in supermarkets and pharmacies. Hits the skin at -20° so is ineffective.
- NITROUS OXIDE. Hits the skin at -49° This gives effective cryo-necrosis (destruction) without the pain or the wounding.
We use Nitrous Oxide in clinic.